
blog - 5 May 2023
Important News!

Important News!

During the manufacturing of our Popped Corn Chips last week our quality and food safety department detected a concern with one of our raw materials. Due to this concern, Trigz management made the decision to recall all stock that was produced using the affected…

blog - 3 November 2021
How To Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle With Trigz

How To Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle With Trigz

Did you know you can eat chips and still maintain a healthy diet? With Trigz, you can. The ideal calorie intake depends on a number of factors and varies from person to person. Factors such as age, metabolism, gender and lifestyle all play a…

blog - 3 November 2021
The Smart Snack Trifecta

The Smart Snack Trifecta

Who can honestly go all day long without feeling like they need a snack? The problem with snacks is that many of them are not that healthy, and so they quickly pack on the calories – and let’s be honest: most healthy snacks just…